Thursday, August 22, 2013

Week 7 Knowledge Management Organisational Culture

Cultural Component in An Integrated KM Cycle

Organisational Culture

There are several factors have been identified as cultural influences include :

  • Past patterns and history
  • Teamwork
  • Climate and morale
  • Information flows across the community
  • Supervision quality
  • Leadership
  • Workplace interactions

Ways culture may operate in a workplace : 

Exchange – regulator 

  • Controlling mechanism: Ensure employees are encouraged to reflect sustainable and appropriate values in their work activities


  • Provide direction and guidance on the social values practices in the organisation

Social glue

  • Seeking to achieve harmony, consensus and cohesion among the employees

Sacred cow

  • Ensure the stability and predictable values which are sustained over a long period

Effective Knowledge Cultures

  • Open and communicative
  • Encourage sharing
  • Tolerant
  • Collaborative
  • Trusting 

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