Thursday, August 22, 2013

WeeK 9.. The Systems


General characteristics of a system

  • ¢Has elements
  • ¢Has relationships between elements – may be causal or feedback loops
  • ¢Has a boundary
  • ¢Has an environment outside the boundary
  • ¢Has an input and an output

Corporate strategy ~> corporate knowledge
End-user ~> contribute and benefit
Related systems ~> finance, archive, hr

¢A range of supporting technologies in four areas of activity:
Business process management
Content management
Web content management
Knowledge applications management

WeeK 8... The Learning Organization

Learning in a Knowledge Environment

¢Training: learning processes guided by an expert
¢Learning: changes in skills, knowledge and abilities which influence how people think and operate in the future
¢Development: ongoing process of growth and change which occurs as new influences are encountered
¢Competencies: areas of knowledge and skills which contribute to job-related behaviours
¢Capabilities: the range of skills and competencies which enable the individual to meet the challenges associated with performing complex work roles


Learning Approaches

¢There is no single best learning approach
¢Different methods suit different purposes
¢Individuals may learn best through different approaches
¢Different forms of learning need different support approaches
¢Organisations need to provide opportunities which reflect these different needs
¢There is no single best learning approach
¢Different methods suit different purposes
¢Individuals may learn best through different approaches
¢Different forms of learning need different support approaches
¢Organisations need to provide opportunities which reflect these different needs

Building a Comprehensive Knowledge Development Strategy

Week 7 Knowledge Management Organisational Culture

Cultural Component in An Integrated KM Cycle

Organisational Culture

There are several factors have been identified as cultural influences include :

  • Past patterns and history
  • Teamwork
  • Climate and morale
  • Information flows across the community
  • Supervision quality
  • Leadership
  • Workplace interactions

Ways culture may operate in a workplace : 

Exchange – regulator 

  • Controlling mechanism: Ensure employees are encouraged to reflect sustainable and appropriate values in their work activities


  • Provide direction and guidance on the social values practices in the organisation

Social glue

  • Seeking to achieve harmony, consensus and cohesion among the employees

Sacred cow

  • Ensure the stability and predictable values which are sustained over a long period

Effective Knowledge Cultures

  • Open and communicative
  • Encourage sharing
  • Tolerant
  • Collaborative
  • Trusting 

Week 6 Knowledge Acquisition & Application

Knowledge application refers to the actual use of knowledge that has been captured or created and put into the 
KM cycle.

Knowledge Management Cycle

1)  Knowledge Acquisition: Reuse
 - Promote efficiency 
 - Lead to Innovation

2)  Knowledge Application
- Application of knowledge is filtered through human brain and applied to job tasks

Week 5 Demonstration on how to get into KANCIL and how to eat CORNETTO ice-cream

Demonstrate on how to get into KANCIL

Second demonstrate on how to get into KANCIL

How to eat cornetto ice-cream

There are a feel type of protocol.

For example :

Eating at restaurant must use the outer spoon or fork on the table first.

If you have beg bring into the ball room or in a ceremony you must place your beg under your sitting chair.

Following one people leads in good on every the people leads you will know but the leading person collapse every people who follow will also collapse.

Following to many experts are good but most of the experts have their own view so that we must decide which experts view are correct.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Week 3 Lecture class

Tacit Knowledge Management

talk aloud = show the example to use something step by step by the expert
knowledge engineer

Structure interview have a set of question
~Read the storytelling of IBM on page 87-88

Tacit Capture In Individual interviewing expert
     -Advantages  to promote knowledge sharing
Tacit Capture in individual being told
     -Example lecture told us in order to get a in final you must do the course work
Tacit Capture in observation
     -On how to fold the t-shirt in 2 second
     -On how to operate something (motor-based)

Acquisition = example petron aquire esso and mobile merge between to  organization

Monday, June 17, 2013

In Week 2

Add caption
KM Life Cycle

7 Phases

Creation (lecture give us information)
Codification (translate, keyword, Refine)
Application (apply others missing information)
Reuse (reuse what ever we have)

They are participate in folding T-shirt activity.